We receive the Holy Spirit when we are “Born Again” as the earnest of our salvation. The Holy Spirit’s mission is to examine our hearts, identify sin that needs addressing and is the power for us to conqueror sin. The Spirit constantly guides us, counsels us and helps us gain victory in every aspect of our lives. As we study the Bible, yield to the Holy Spirit we become increasingly conformed to the image of Christ. This is our path as we are to bear the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, etc.), and fruit from witnessing. There is no greater picture of man than being a spirit-filled Christian sharing the gospel worldwide.

God’s restoration plan is continuing WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. For the past 2,000 years we have been living in what the chart above calls the “Church Age” which continues until God pulls His church out of earth (the Rapture) as Christ gathers His bride (the church) for the Wedding Feast in heaven. The Rapture is the next event in God’s prophetic calendar. With the removal of the church, mankind enters a short 7-year period (The Tribulation) where God’s wrath is poured out upon the people of earth in a final, desperate push to convict the lost to repentance and turning, by faith to believe in Jesus and His redemptive work on the cross so that by God’s grace they will receive eternal life. God’s Kingdom (The Millennium) will exist for a thousand years and everyone born during the Kingdom will be tested. The “lost” will be condemned, judged and sent to hell. The believers will not be judged since they moved from God’s Wrath when they first believed. God’s elect will join God in the New Heavens and Earth.