Married, father of three children, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Saved in 1974 at FBC Church, San Jose, CA Tutored by lay leaders, ministers, authors, teachers, scientists and philosophers Currently member of FBC Bellingham, MA under the ministry of Pastor Rodrigues Challenged in 2 bible studies by my lack of understanding biblical doctrines. I resolved to correct this deficiency and committed myself to becoming a disciple of Christ These books summarize God’s teachings and chronicles God’s plan to restore Man for eternal fellowship with Him.
In a lay-leader class at Medway Community Church of Medway, MA a few years ago, I was challenged to defend my faith and the doctrines I held dear. I found myself embarrassed as it was quickly apparent that I was ill equipped to either defend or explain my beliefs.
Less than two weeks passed and I was again challenged in a local Men’s Bible study. To my discredit, I once again was unable to defend my beliefs
I resolved to correct this deficiency and set out to thoroughly study the Scriptures and document my findings on salvation and Jesus’ teachings in an organized fashion. My original objective was to put together a short paper to define and support my position and beliefs. God wanted me instead, to become His disciple in a life long pursuit of truth. I quickly found myself asking more and more questions that compelled me to constantly research, study and document. My goals expanded broader and faster. This study required me to put aside all my biases, read God’s word freshly and intently, discuss with scholars and read numerous documents on Christian doctrines. I lost track of time, so involved were my studies. It has now been nearly a decade since I first undertook the quest to write a simple white paper.
God has been especially gracious in guiding my study of His revealed word. This study has been a true joy. The more I studied, the more in awe of our Almighty God I became. I was compelled from within to continue worshipping, studying, worshipping, and serving Him
This study called, Not So Basic Christianity, was far more comprehensive than originally conceived. I had thrown myself deeply into this undertaking and the results are the eight study guides that comprise the NOT SO BASIC CHRISTIANITY study.